Your trusted grain connection

We connect regional grain producers across the NSW Riverina to end users with seamless storage, handling and transport solutions.

We are committed to being the trusted ag connection.

Regional receival sites

AgConnex operates four receival and storage sites across the NSW Riverina and Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area.

From our Benerembah, Carrathool and Wumbulgal grain sites, we safely receive, store and move locally farmed grain through to millers, cattle feedlotters, food manufacturers and export markets. Our substantial storage, road and rail networks deliver a seamless supply chain experience.

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Direct end-user relationships

We work closely to build strong relationships with end-use clients including millers, cattle feedlotters, food manufacturers and export markets.

We connect regional producers to relevant use markets, partnering at all steps along the way for a smooth, efficient process.

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Full transparency, real-time pricing

We are part of the AgriChain ecosystem for full traceability.

It delivers a clear and transparent process that is secure for growers, traders, financiers and all our clients, with real-time pricing available via the app.

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